Real Estate Aerial Photography Tips for Realtors

Photos are perhaps the most powerful tool in your arsenal for closing real estate deals. Photos reach out and grab the attention of the viewer in a way that words can't. 

In fact, a home whose listing includes several high-quality photographs will sell about 32% faster

But with most real estate agents offering professional photography as part of their package, how can you start standing out? You take it one step further and start offering real estate aerial photography with a drone. 

Let's explore the benefits of aerial photography for real estate here.

Showcase Large Properties

While virtually any home can benefit from aerial real estate photography, the technique is particularly great for large properties. The drone can slowly pan around the home and yard to create a video that gives the viewer a more intimate idea of what it feels like to be there. 


For large properties, it can be difficult to get the whole building in one conventional photo. A wide-angle lens helps, of course, but sometimes the photographer needs to back up so much that details around the house are lost. A drone video can give more a wide-angle view and then zoom in on building to fluidly highlight certain aspects.

Showcase Undeveloped Land

Aerial photography and video can also showcase the vastness of a plot of rural land. Photographs on the ground may feel lackluster when you're trying to photograph a large piece of land. The right light and a few elements for an impactful composition help, but don't always paint the most complete picture. 


However, footage from the drone as it speeds over the landscape gives the viewer a more complete understanding of the property and where everything is. Plus, it's easy to highlight particular features such as a stream, farmland that is ready for planting, a well, etc. If there is a home on the property, the drone video is a great way to show it off as well as the positioning of any outbuildings in relation to the main house. Learn more about marketing undeveloped land in our blog article “How To Sell Rural Vacant Land with Aerial Photos & Video”.

The Right Perspective

A real estate photographer standing on the ground will never be able to get a perfectly straight image of any house that is two stories or higher. Even putting their camera on a tripod and holding it above their head won't be quite right. Not to mention the difficulty of leveling the camera for the shot. 

A drone, however, can easily hover at just the right altitude as the pilot makes slight adjustments to take the photograph from the perfect angle.


Real Estate Aerial Photography Can Elevate Your Listings...Literally

Intrigued by the benefits of this new type of photography and videography? Be sure to check out the real estate aerial photography rates in your area. Particularly if you're selling higher-end homes or large properties, aerial photography is well worth the investment and is becoming more and more expected of property listings.

ProAerial Media provides aerial drone services for real estate professionals across the southwest United States. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see our video work, and our Instagram feed to view our photography (@proaerialmedia). If you’re ready to fly, you can always book a flight from the ProAerial Media Website.

Thanks for reading. Take Flight. Take Pics. Get Clicks.