Photos & Videos

Bird's Eye View: Drone Construction Site Aerial Photography

Bird's Eye View: Drone Construction Site Aerial Photography

You've got a major residential development project on your hands, and in your mind, it's going to be epic. The question is, how do you make sure that your project is staying on track from day one?

And how do you communicate to the masses how amazing your product will be?

Your answers to these questions can be summed up in three words: drone aerial photography.

2020 Drone Wedding Photography Guide: Costs & Considerations

2020 Drone Wedding Photography Guide: Costs & Considerations

So you’re considering drone wedding photography for your upcoming big day. That’s awesome! But you’ve got some questions around cost and what to expect, and you’re not even sure if your traditional photographer can provide aerial imagery. Well not to worry, this article will outline everything you need to know about finding, working with, and the costs of utilizing a drone to capture aerial imagery of your wedding.